1. Jessica and Laura
We first met these two cuties when they were flowergirls for Justine and Steve’s wedding back in 2013. Since then we’ve photographed them (and their five siblings) at family portrait sessions, first communions and even for a special Auskick award. Each time we meet Corina and Warren, we’re amazed at how they managed to bring up 7 such wonderful kids, that’s parenting goals right there!
2. Ella and Charlotte
Another pair of gorgeous sisters, Ella and Charlotte are the beautiful daughters of Jo and Doug – one of our fave wedding couples ever. We’ve been lucky enough to keep touch with these guys (we even now live in the same suburb!) and watch their family grow. Jo has been through a lot in the past few years, so it’s so lovely to have created these precious memories for them to cherish.
3. Naomi and Imogen
It’s amazing what a difference two years between portrait sessions makes, but Naomi still has the same big brown eyes and beautiful smile… only now she’s a big sister!
4. Bridget and Amy
Another pair of flower girls, this time at Mitchell and Aaron’s wedding… well Amy was just a baby, so not quite ready for flower girl duties! Three years between family portrait sessions and the beautiful fringes are gone, but the sisterly love is just as strong.
5. Owen and Liam
These photos of Owen at the Edithvale beach boxes are some of the very first family photos we ever took… nearly 10 years ago. We barely recognised him when we returned to the same beach for some family photos with his brother Liam – who has the same bags of energy!
6. Kari, Jay and Asha
Their hairstyles have changed a little in the two years between these family portrait sessions, but these kids are as cute as ever. We even picked up some useful parenting tips from these guys, so it was interesting to “report back” on our experiences.
7. Danijela and Lucia
Iain has known Anita since high school, so it has been such a privilege to photograph both her beautiful daughter’s christenings. Danijela and Lucia are such gorgeous girls that are totally besotted by each other, the only trouble is telling their baby photos apart!
8. Elspeth, Genevieve and James
Other dear friends of ours, this is just a small selection of the professional photos we have taken for Allie and Cam’s kiddles over the years, including super-special newborn shoots for each child. Although they live in Canberra, we always manage to make it work as we just love capturing the unique personalities of this gorgeous trio.
9. Flynn
We first met Flynn’s doting mums, Kate and Amanda, when we photographed their wedding back in 2012. So it was such a honour and happy time for us to photograph Flynn as a newborn two years later and again a couple of years on. It’s amazing how much these kids change and develop in the first two years!